Monday, November 11, 2013

Alyssia in Red

This cute outfit was custom made by Darla's Delights. She is so great to work with. It's for Alyssia, because somehow she seems more trendy and maybe a little older than the other girls. She has such pretty brown eyes, that the camera doesn't seem to do them justice.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Alyssia Kaye

I feel like today is Christmas because I saw photos of the first Little Darling that I have ever ordered. Her name is Alyssia Kaye, and she was painted by Joyce Mathews. It's weird getting photos of a doll you have imagined for several months, because you don't know if she will turn out exactly like you expect. Alyssia definitely didn't turn out the way I imagined. I thought she would look identical to another doll I've admired for a long time. But Alyssia will have her own charm and spirit. Her are her "artist" photos.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Brooke Marie

I've had Brooke for a few months, but I'm finally getting around to posting photos of her. She was painted and costumed by Joyce Matthews. I saw this photo on Joyce's Facebook page and loved her. So when I received an opportunity from another board member to purchase her, I quickly did.

Here is her photo from Joyce.

And here she is at home...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gracelyn June

Gracelyn June was originally Chantal by Geri Uribe. When I first discovered Effner Little Darling dolls, I was smitten by Gracelyn because she looked like me a child. I'm so thrilled to have her. She is very fair and the most innocent looking of my Little Darlings.

This is me at five years old going off to Kindergarten. What do you think? Do we look alike?